Rebalance and Restore Gummy Smiles
A great smile has many elements. It’s noticeably healthy and attractive. The teeth are all aligned, shiny, and whole. But there’s another aspect to a smile that many people don’t think of besides the teeth: the surrounding gum tissue. Gums don’t just provide a protective barrier for your teeth; they contribute to your smile. Ideally, they feel comfortable, maintain a healthy shade of pink, and are in good proportion to the tooth they protect. If they dominate your smile or make you feel self-conscious, you may need treatment for a gummy smile in Manhattan, NY & Greenwich, CT.
As the acknowledged experts in gum health, periodontists are your specialist of choice for gummy smile treatment. They’re trained to address a variety of health, functional, and aesthetic issues related to the soft tissues and beyond. That includes three years of advanced, post-dental school education in the form of a residency. Using that background, a periodontist helps create more balanced smiles every day with a gummy smile reversal procedure known as gum recontouring.
The Perfect Teeth-to-Gum Ratio in One Day
Life with a New Gumline
- A harmonious, balanced smile
- A flattering tooth-to-gum ratio
- Greater self-confidence
- Decreased risk of developing tooth decay